Air condtion filters
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The importance of clean air conditioning filters

As the months pass, the hot weather are approaching and it becomes imperative to perform the maintenance corresponding air conditioners. To ensure that we covered during the summer, it is essential to perform a function check and the corresponding cleaning of parts of it.

One of the most important elements within the mechanism of these devices is filters, which must be groomed regularly to make sure they work properly and carry out its function properly. In today’s article we told them why we should clean the filters regularly. If you would like to know details information about air duct, chimney etc. cleaning you could choose duct cleaning Phoenix.

Why clean air conditioner filters?

The filter of an air conditioner basically deals to prevent any foreign material from entering the system and can actually damage their performance. In addition, these filters help to purify the air in the room where the device is installed, removing from dust, smoke, odors, among other things. This element is essential for an air conditioning system to function properly.

The problem of dirty filters

As I discussed earlier, the filters within the mechanism of climate are essential, in addition to cleaning the air in general serve to protect the unit from foreign materials. When a filter is dirty, preventing proper through the air and therefore significantly reduces the operating efficiency of our air conditioning. You see, regular maintenance is essential.

Tips for clean air conditioning filter

When make maintenance and cleaning of the filter of an air conditioner is is essential to note the following:

Before you even start cleaning filter it is very important that the apparatus power source is turned off to avoid taking risks. Take precautions and if the unit is at a height inaccessible it is best to contact a professional in the field. In hot weather, when air conditioning is used frequently, it is recommended that one of these cleanings every two weeks. If we make a full maintenance and control of the apparatus, it is best to contact a professional to advise us properly and give us the best possible service.

Changing the filters

In the event that our air filters already in poor condition and begin to notice that the device has lost efficiency when put to walk, it will be time to replace these filters with new ones.

Depending on the amount of use we give to the apparatus, it is generally recommended to change these filters every 40 to 90 days in times of high activity. Recall that a filter in poor condition will not allow proper air flow and this will bring a lot of problems in the functioning and performance.

Precautions to be taken into account provided

When checking the air conditioning and filters, there are a couple of issues and precautions we cannot ignore. First, we cannot overlook the fact that an air conditioner is filled with wires and pipes appliance. If we cannot handle this element, it is best to contact a professional. When handling this product, we need to prevent the coils crash and breakdown, as this will damage the computer and prevent proper airflow, thus weakening its effectiveness. When cleaning the dirt and dust from the appliance, always use a dust mask to avoid unwanted entering the body substances.